POP Meetings for Spring 2014

Hello POPers!

During the past academic year, POP has undergone some leadership change.  Tara stepped down as president to finish up her dissertation! (You go girl!)  New president, Frank Merksamer, is a doctoral candidate in English, making POP ever-more interdisciplinary!

POP had only one meeting last fall, during which a spring schedule was set.  This spring, POP will meet the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm.  Locations will vary, so keep on the lookout via Facebook (“like” Publish or Perish) and the website!

The first meeting took place last week, on Wednesday, February 4th, at the Joe.  Dr. Lydia DeFlorio, a professor in the College of Education, shared her experience when looking for a journal in which to publish.  She had a great handout (DeFlorio_How to find a journal) and some great advice!  Handout illustrates what it can look like to:

  • Find a list of journals in your discipline (can sometimes be found via Google)
  • Narrow down based on journal title
  • Narrow down based on acceptance rate
  • Narrow down based on fit for your article
  • Make notes in document about journals

Other great advice from Dr. DeFlorio:

  • To get more publications, work on 3 at a time (one project/study in process, one being written for a top tier journal, and one for a middle tier journal)
  • Network for tips and tricks from professionals who successfully publish
  • Find a journal while writing an article
  • Know what your institution looks for in terms of publication. Some questions may be:
    • Are presentations equal to publication?
    • How many articles should I publish yearly? In a 4-6 year span?
    • Do top tier journals count as two publications?
  • And finally, teaming up can help you stay accountable during the publication process

For more tips, tricks, and advice from professionals, please join us at upcoming POP meetings!  We look forward to seeing you there and commend your dedication to scholarly work!

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